Star Trek (2009)
3 reviews
Star Trek re-imagined
Even though I never really was a big Star Trek fan, I really enjoyed watching this movie. You need no previous knowlage of Star Trek to enjoy this movie. JJ Abrams does the near impossible, making everyone love Star Trek. Genius rebooting to the 21st century, there is no shame in taking the good bits of Star Wars to make it exciting, plus the humor nails it.
Star Trek It Is Not
This is the Star Trek film that should have never been. It's obvious that J.J. Abrams was no fan of the franchise, nor did he show it the respect that it deserved. The complete rape of the original history that was put in place by the films and television shows, along with a theme and storyline counter to everything Star Trek, could be forgivable(alternate timeline and all), if not for the complete lack of pacing, the shaking camera, lens flare, and an abundance of special effects that throw the concept of physics out the window, entirely. Nothing seems to have weight, friction, nor do the laws of momentum, that even a 6 year old has a grasp of, exist. This makes it difficult to set through some of the scenes. It had promise, but all of that was lost in the chaos of action and lackluster story telling that is the new Star Trek. If you are looking for a movie with substance, that isn't filled with a bunch of forced, silly jokes that don't belong, then you should probably look elsewhere. Wit is not strong here, it try's to force humor down your throat with a sledge hammer, rather than surprise you with well written dialogue with a little humor spliced in with precision.
The acting is so so, some of the visuals lack quality, the audio goes from too-quiet-turn-up-the-volume-can't-hear to blasting you in the face with merciless ferocity in nanoseconds, and the constant action, screwy pacing, goofiness, and shaky camera make the storyline seem like little more than something tacked on for added effect.
This is a mediocre science fiction movie that embodies, represents much of what is wrong with the genre, today.
Enjoyed this Star Trek
I was looking forward to this movie when it was first announced. But must say I was wondering if J.J. Abrams could pull it off, and if the cast would be a good choice. Since he basically choose actors that had not had a lot of exposure to the public, I was really happy with all the actor's performance in the movie. Great casting, story, and special effect's and I am really looking forward to the new 2013 Star Trek in May!